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Answers to Common Questions about J.B. Hunt Load Payments

The ability to quickly submit load paperwork and get paid is critical to the operation of small and mid-size carriers. Managing these processes for multiple loads can get a bit overwhelming. Here are answers to common questions regarding load payments, and info on where to find help if you have additional questions.

1. What are J.B. Hunt's payment terms?

J.B. Hunt offers two types of payment terms: Standard Pay and Quick Pay. Carriers choose their preferred payment terms when completing the carrier packet to become a contract carrier for J.B. Hunt.

  • Standard Pay - Payments processed within 21 days of receipt of all required load documents, no additional fee, payments by direct deposit or hard copy check.
  • Quick Pay - Payments processed within 2 days of receipt of all required load documents, 1.5% fixed fee, payments by direct deposit or hard copy check. For loads booked using Carrier 360, the 1.5% fee is waived.

2. How do I get paid for detention? 

Like most brokers, J.B. Hunt has specific rules and procedures for qualifying for and reporting detention. For more information on detention procedures, read our blog post, Detention and Lumper Payment Processes for J.B. Hunt Contract Carriers. If you have questions, call Carrier Support at 877-977-7427, option 3. 

3. Why didn’t I receive my payment all at once?

Accessorials often require additional approval and may require longer processing times than regular load payments. In order to pay carriers quickly, partial payments may be made. 

4. Why is my cash advance being deducted when I haven’t been paid for the load?

Cash advances post to your account immediately. We recover the amount of the advance from the next payment to you, even if the payment is for a different load. On your Carrier Statement, advances appear under “Load Adjustments” with the load number for the advance so you can see payments and deductions. 

5. Why haven’t I been paid?

Invoices pay according to your payment terms: Twenty-one (21) business days from receipt of all paperwork if you selected Standard Pay or two (2) business days from receipt of paperwork if you selected Quick Pay. Check the status of your payments by contacting Carrier Support via email or by calling 1-877-977-7427, option 1.

6. What if the load requires a load or unload service?

J.B. Hunt contract carriers are not responsible for paying load or unload fees (lumpers). If you are on a J.B. Hunt load requiring a lumper service to load or unload the trailer, locate the J.B. Hunt load number and call 800-UNLOAD1 (800-865-6231). Our freight handling specialists pay the lumper service directly. 

Please note: J.B. Hunt does not reimburse carriers for lumper payments. Do not pay out of pocket or use a cash advance for payment to load or unload freight. The J.B. Hunt Carrier Support team is available to assist with questions about load payments from 7:00 AM CST until 4:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday at 877-977-7427, option 1. They can also be reached via email at