Power of the Platform: Changing the Way Supply Meets Demand

Finding the capacity you need should be simple.
So should finding the loads that propel your business forward.
Instead, we are operating in a fragmented, highly dislocated market that makes it hard for shippers and carriers to connect.
But our J.B. Hunt 360°® technology makes finding capacity simple. J.B. Hunt 360° features a dynamic, online marketplace that allows you to get quotes, book loads and track shipments all in one easy-to-use platform. By utilizing machine learning and automation, J.B. Hunt 360° can help streamline your day-to-day operations while helping you grow your business for the future.
Through the power of the J.B. Hunt 360° platform, supply and demand are brought together in a scalable, data-driven ecosystem that connects shipments with capacity at the right price and at the right time – providing access to capacity and freight, reducing costs and improving service.
Here’s what the Power of the Platform can do for you and your business:
Access Capacity
Your freight broker works hard for you, but they don’t have access to all the carrier options out there. You’re limited to the capacity those brokers have in their network, which might not offer the shipping times or specialized capacity options you need. J.B. Hunt 360° reduces fragmentation in the market by bringing shippers and carriers together in one online marketplace, helping you find the additional capacity you need to reduce inefficiency in the supply chain.
With the J.B. Hunt 360° platform, a carrier can complete a delivery and search for freight available to be picked up in or near the same city. This creates access to more capacity for shippers, reduces deadhead for carriers and saves both parties time and money.
The Shipper 360® platform gives you access to nearly one million trucks, about a third of the market, so you can find the right capacity when and where you need it.
Managing Costs
Right now, there isn’t much transparency in the quoting and booking process. You exchange calls and emails with a freight broker and they give you a quote. But where does that number come from? Is it comparable to what is going on in the market? Is that quote the best option for your needs? The J.B. Hunt 360° platform brings transparency to the quoting process by showing you the true cost of business up front, disrupting decades-old pricing structures.
The J.B. Hunt 360° platform gives you a list of full truckload, LTL and intermodal shipping options at market-relevant prices. Simply log on, type in your shipment details and in seconds get quotes from carriers across North America. Combining unmatched capacity and transparency, the J.B. Hunt 360° platform gives you the power to select the quote that works with your budget.
Improving Service
Calling carriers to find your shipment is frustrating. Your business relies on making sure your shipments get where they need to be. You need to know when there is a shipping delay or if your load will arrive on time. But with the Power of the Platform, you can take the guesswork out of tracking your shipments. J.B. Hunt 360°’s tracking feature streamlines visibility, helping shippers deliver on their promises.
J.B Hunt 360° sends custom notifications about your shipment’s progress or any unexpected delays directly to you. With the J.B. Hunt 360 platform, you know exactly when to expect your shipment to arrive, just one example of the best-in-class service we give our customers.
In addition to tracking and custom notifications, the J.B. Hunt 360° platform uses automation, saving you time by keeping track of your frequently used payment methods and load destinations. This makes quoting and booking even faster. J.B. Hunt 360° also puts our powerful, cutting-edge machine learning technology in the palm of your hand. Right from your smartphone or computer, get data-driven, actionable insights into your business and predictions that can help you reshape the way you do business in the future. Whether you’re a large corporation or small family operation, the J.B. Hunt 360° platform gives you the visibility and insights you need to grow your business.
Growing the Power of the Platform
As more users discover the Power of the Platform, it will be able to provide more of the same benefits – more carriers mean more options for shippers, and more shippers mean more available freight options.
Every day, more and more shippers and carriers join the J.B. Hunt 360° platform, and as a result the Power of the Platform grows stronger. And the more users who contribute data to the J.B. Hunt 360° platform, the more we can provide capacity, reduce costs and improve service on our way to becoming the most efficient transportation network in North America.
Discover what the Power of the Platform can do for you. Learn more about J.B. Hunt 360° today!