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The Future of Freight Tech in a Post-COVID World

It’s long been understood that freight transportation is not a tech-savvy industry. Quite the opposite, in fact. By most standards, the freight transportation industry is a laggard in technology adoption. But perceptions have not stopped leadership at J.B. hunt from doing many things that were, at one point, unheard of in the industry. Technology investment is just one thing in a long list that the company has bucked tradition on. 

Recently, a cross-section of company leadership participated in the FreightWaves Live@Home virtual freight technology conference. In previous years, the conference has been held across the country in various metros, but the global COVID-19 health pandemic forced the conference to be held virtually for the first time in its existence. If you missed the live event, catch up by watching the presentations below that discuss J.B. Hunt’s response to COVID-19, new technology that has been developed, and the company’s vision for the future of freight technology. 

How Tech Will Enable More Nimble Collaboration Post-Covid

The COVID-19 global pandemic has shone a light on the need for worldwide supply chains to become more connected and adaptable in the face of crisis. J.B. Hunt chief commercial officer, EVP and president of Highway Services, Shelley Simpson discusses the quick pivot toward electronic, no-touch BOLs and its impacts for customer, drivers and carriers and how more agile collaboration among shippers, transportation providers and technology developers can lead to greater connectivity and visibility into the buying process, shortened bid cycles and dynamic pricing. 

Rapid Fire Demo: Carrier 360 featuring 360box

Mark Brewer, direct of product innovation for J.B. Hunt, will explain the process of finding 360box loads, locating empty 360box trailers, assigning drivers and the company’s new electronic bill of lading feature (eBOL) to help drivers, carriers and customer employees safety operate while observing social distancing best practices. 

Strengthening Your Organization In Times of Disruption

COVID-19 is possibly the greatest disruptor to freight transportation the modern supply chain era has witnessed. J.B. Hunt chief commercial officer, EVP, and president of Highway Services, Shelley Simpson, and EVP and president of Dedicated Contract Services and Final Mile Services, Nick Hobbs, explain how J.B. Hunt responded, both operationally and strategically, to the impacts and changes brought by COVID-19, as well as what they see as resulting opportunities for the industry as a whole. Want to learn more about technology development at J.B. Hunt and what it could mean for your business? Contact us at