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Delivering Groundbreaking Intermodal Service

Quantum, a J.B. Hunt and BNSF service™, offers breakthrough intermodal transportation with consistency, agility and speed for service-sensitive highway freight.

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Identifying Pain Points

In the past, customers with service-sensitive highway freight did not view intermodal as a viable shipping solution. They felt their supply chains needed more consistency and agility than traditional intermodal could provide. Due to the sensitivity of their freight, they relied primarily on over-the-road transportation, which offered consistency and timeliness, but at a higher rate.

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"With Quantum... transit concerns have been successfully put to rest. The priority dray and rail loading has been flawless with the J.B. Hunt and BNSF resources executing both functions consistently."
—Logistics Manager for a large retailer
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Building Solutions

Quantum allows customers with service-sensitive freight to leverage the benefits of intermodal transportation while maintaining the consistency, agility and speed they need.

Quantum service includes:

• Customized solutions at scale
• 24/7 oversight by a J.B. Hunt and BNSF joint team
• Dynamic mode selection that adds value through agility 
• Proactive interventions to mitigate service interruptions before they happen 

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on-time delivery


reduction in carbon footprint when shipping intermodal compared to over-the-road


door-to-door oversight

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Transforming Transportation

Quantum offers a differentiated intermodal transportation experience that cannot be replicated by other providers. With Quantum, you can benefit from the cost savings of intermodal, while reducing your carbon footprint and maintaining the service and consistency you need. Contact the team today so we can start learning about your supply chain and create custom intermodal solutions for your business. 

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Get groundbreaking intermodal service.